Only 5.. I’ll do a weekly review to c how much I’ve achieve..
July 30, 2002
Only 5.. I’ll do a weekly review to c how much I’ve achieve..
July 29, 2002
July 24, 2002
i dun even feel at ease in my hse.. everybody thinks i'm a rich kid n lives in a big, nice hse.. but nobody knows that i'm running out of cash 'coz i've been surviving on my savings for more than half a year.. nobody knows that its just a big bloody mess everywhere.. its more like a hse in the kampong..
my dad had a big pond to rear his fish (ok.. not normal fishes, they are expensive japanese koi - and again people think we're rich) but nobody knows that there are some worms or stuffs in the pond which causes them to die, fall sick, jump out of the pond n got crash by my dad's car.. then my dad will just buy more n replace them.. ya u guess it.. i dun think he's much of a fish lover..
my mum likes to have organic stuff.. so she plant vegetables, fruit trees and even rear chicken for their eggs.. but nobody knows to make it real organic, she doesn't use those fertilisers sold in the market, she uses real natural ones which is free too..
to be continued.. .. i'm gonna get out of this messy place now.. stay tuned for PART 2
July 23, 2002
July 22, 2002
Did something dumb n boring again today. (yesterday actually.. why can't i ever blog on time!.. all my entries have to be in the wee hours of the morning..) I went all the way to JB with 2 frens (supposingly to shop n have a nice, cheap seafood dinner..) but came home empty-handed and the dinner wasn't that cheap afterall 'cause we are always being ripped-off as we had the words foreigners written on our faces! Well, n the food wasn't that great.. but well i guess its still better than me staying at home all day.. getting fat..
oh boy! toking abt fat.. i've been bumming for too long n i've long gain back the 5kg i lost last 2 years n its going way beyond.. but i just can't stop myself snacking 'coz i'm too bored.. better get something to do fast.. argh.!!
July 19, 2002
01~ The poorest man is not without a cent, but without a dream.
02~ It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult. --Seneca
03~ It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.
04~ A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. --William Shedd
05~ 99% of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses. --George Washington Carver
06~ The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. --Walter Bagehet
07~ Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength.
08~ Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. --Albert Einstein
09~ People who are sensible about love are incapable of it. --Douglas Yates
10~ You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving. --Amy Carmichael
11~ True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable. --David Tyson Gentry
12~ The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it.
July 18, 2002
July 17, 2002
July 15, 2002
July 09, 2002

i'm a hamster.

i'm a foundation.

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July 07, 2002
July 06, 2002
>> when i was working, i have lotsa $ in my bank.. i dun have n i can't find anything to buy.. anyway i dun have the time to need anything BUT now when i'm jobless n studying n on the verge of closing my bank acc.. that's so much things that i need to buy.. clothes.. shoes.. sandals.. all the basic stuff i'm lacking.. i have so much time that whatever i do needs $.. n everything have to start falling apart now.. n i have no $ to replace them...
>> i need to get a tan coz i'm fat n tanning shd make mi look thinner BUT i'm fat n i can't wear a bikini to tan BUT if i dun tan how can i look thin to wear a bikini?
>> i bought some ginko pills(memory booster stuff) to improve my memory BUT i need memory booster to improve my memory so that i can rem to take my pills BUT if i can't rem to take my mem booster pills how can i improve my mem?
>> ... ... i can't rem...
that is why we have often been asked chicken-come-first-or-egg-come-first qns (i called tis the chicken-n-egg theory), basically your whole life is based on this theory.. so if u r able to figure out which 1 comes first.. u'll b probably able to figure wat life is all abt..