argh.. i dunno wat i did or mayb there's just something w the blogger.. my whole template is screwed up n i dun have time now to fixed it!! later..
March 31, 2003
argh.. i dunno wat i did or mayb there's just something w the blogger.. my whole template is screwed up n i dun have time now to fixed it!! later..
got a new phone logger thingy.. where i can blog thru sms.. n u can sent mi sms too.. check it out!!
i knew it. with more deaths.. my class is suspended for another 3 days.. YIPEE!! no class.. library is empty.. pool is empty.. orchard is empty.. everywhere isn't so crowded anymore.. er.. but i dun think i wanna shop at novena sq lah.. lol..
March 27, 2003
my school has also suspended classes from today onwards.. for like 4 days!!? hmm.. seemed more like a trend thing now.. who cares.. but anyway i think there's some (or mayb alot of) panick going on.. n noe wat!? the flu vaccination is OUT OF STOCK.. hahah.. who cares.. err.. i think alot.. but well i dun.. we'r all gonna die.. *low loud evil laugh..* hahhahah.. ok.. ya.. i noe tis is serious.. *stern face* do i not look serious?!
actually i had wanted to blog abt enjoying my time at the library n pool yest coz there was just so few ppl.. but now it just dun seem as enjoyable anymore..
well.. that's it.. i'm not laughing.. i'm not amused.. i dunno y i'm still doing tis.. wat's the pt.. that's simply it.. that's just it.. no other way.. just tis way.. fuckkkkkkkkkk.................i was living in denial.. n i denied that i was in denial.. n u nvr knew that a numb heart cld still feel.. in fact it nvr stop feeling 'cept that u nvr stop denying.. i guess.. n i'm going back to denying now.. so that it doesn't hurt.. *sob sob* =..(
March 26, 2003
i dunno wtf these ppl are thinking.. these r the 2 interviews i saw.. which fucking
1) interview @ a sorta childcare centre.. guess wtf r those ppl doing?? they r sending out STACKS of worksheets to the kids of the centres.. wtf! wtf! wtf!.. i just dun c the pt.. kids wun die coz of not doing worksheets for 10days lah.. ok mayb the boss dunwan the teachers to idle.. that, i dunno..
2) interview a primary sch kid parent.. "r u worried?" or something like that.. din really catch the qns.. but wat did the Parent say?!.. "ya.. i'm very worried.. worried that the kid will not be able catch up in their studies.." duh.. hellloo.. knock knock.. ppl asking you abt the virus lah.. n wat is there to fall behind on when the WHOLE singapore primary sch kids is NOT going to sch.. sigh.. i just dunno wat to say..
brought to you by Quizilla

You poor, depressed child. A rain cloud seems to follow you everywhere. The worst has always got to happen doesn't it? Life is miserable.
brought to you by Quizilla

You're depressed. Really you are. And you definitely have a reason. You often space out and stare at things blankly, even if you're normally hyper and energetic. This is because nothing really seems important anymore. You might just be sad right now, or you might be manic depressive. Don't worry. Have some cocoa and stuff'll be ok.
March 24, 2003
brought to you by Quizilla

Freezer. You feel nothing and wish to feel nothing so you find peace in the way you think, however, your emotions are more neutral than balanced. Coldness and tolerance can be the ways of a passive heart.
its funny how u can live w/o certain things for years.. but once u've tasted it.. u can nvr live w/o them again.. sigh..
i need to file my tax.. i dun have all the necessary info.. i need to file my tax.. tis is so irritating.. i need to file my tax.. just to pay e goverment.. i need to file my tax.. yucks!!
March 23, 2003
- 0800: parents communicate (which i think e only source they noe is by nagging) with mi.. abt my newer hair color.. puhh..
- 0820: had tis caffeine craving again.. bought some teh peng (n i think i got high on a cup of latte just last friday.. dun ask mi how.. mayb i just imagined it..)
- 0900: bored.. washed my workplace toilet (coz one day i accidentaly discovered tt there is no better work-out than household chores..)
- 1030: feel super dehydrated that no amt of water can quench my thirst.. (dunno fr tanning or fr caffeine.. *wet lips* just can't find my lip balm since i came bac fr china.. sigh..)
- 1200: stoopid foot in track shoe.. on flat ground.. sprained itself..
- 1300: spent 9 BUCKS on a tiny weeny Smurf figurine (which i couldn't resist.. n its not even Papa Smurf or Brainy Smurf or Handy Smurf or some Smurf.. its jus A Smurf.. but anyway.. *sing--la laa la lalala.. la laa la lala la..*)
- 1315: read tis somewhere.. "Contentment -- i was sad becoz i have no shoes, until i saw someone with no feet"
- 1600: tried asking 5 ppl the way to a library.. but only 2 managed to point out the direction for mi..
- 2000: had tis nudging headache at the back of my head.. (feel tired.. but not tired.. but is tired..)
- now: i just hope my parents dun communicate with mi.. at least for now..
March 22, 2003
- seconds are non-existance
- minutes are insignificant
- hours are on the run
- days flashes
- months just passes by
another hole in the pocket.. another 2hrs on the butt.. now my hair is copper.. now it look reasonably ok.. BUT i dun like the color!! WTF!!
March 21, 2003
i managed to turn an already troublesome shampoo-n-condition hair process into a 5-step process..
- olive oil (for dry hair ends)
- shampoo (e usual cleaning)
- conditioner (e usual conditioning)
- hair mask (strengthen hair)
- leave-on treatment capsules (vitamin for instant repair)
rem our primary school times where we used to keep bread.. leave it to grow moulds n fungus for experiment?!.. just heard that my aunt (a teacher) tried to get her students to do that.. but after many many many days.. there still isn't any moulds on the bread.. y? coz there is just TOO MUCH PRESERVATIVES in the foodstuffs these days.. hahaha.. tink all our organs will be v well preserved indeed.. urgh..
March 19, 2003
shd have known better than to spent dumb money.. get an ugly blonde head n an aching butt from sitting FIVE bloody hrs..
so shd i go sit another five hrs n reverse the whole process?? somebody tell mi wat to do!!
urgh!! e ting is.. i think i like it but yet i think its ugly.. damn siao..
aiii.. who to blame?? my itchy hands, itchy butt n itchy head lah..
March 16, 2003
wanna blog.. dun wanna write.. wanna sleep.. dun wanna rest.. wanna waste money.. dun wanna spent money.. wanna workout.. dun wanna move..
March 13, 2003
almost forgot abt tis.. yest, my collegue offered me a higher pay rate to cover her shift.. (which MEANS.. on top of the pay i get from working her shift.. she wants to pay mi extra from her own pocket..) ya.. wat u read is correct! no typo here.. your eyes ain't playing trick.. wat is wrg mann?! so did i work?? nope!!.. i'm not a person motivated by money.. so i din.. coz i need to meet up my 14-yr long fren to bitch.. rem?!
i dunno y.. i clicked ard.. u noe.. its just some random clicks.. reading pple's blog..
well let's c.. i started with just a random click on the blogspot login page.. some title that appeal mi.. started w a poly student.. then i click click ard.. first i realised that some ppl's blog link just seemed to appear on everybody's blog.. n for a moment all bloggers seemed to be nus students.. k.. mayb its just coincidence..
then i went bac to where i started.. took another link.. then i click click ard again.. then i wonder.. how come so many ppl have a band n so many r in the local music scene.. when i tot its suppose to b small..(or was it wat i tot only??) then nvm.. i just continue my mindless clicking ard..(i was like.. k tis a name i noe.. but anyway its just a v common name..) poping into pple's blog.. n THEN i saw this photo.. how come sek sek!?(translate--familiar).. n shit!! i'm bac to ppl i've seen b4..(not photos.. its ppl i've seen) n the blogs i have visited via other blogs.. after going 1 big round of blog linking!! this is freaking mi out.. or is there a prob with the way i go abt it?? NOW wat else can't happen..
i'msad. i'mtired. i'mconfused. i'mexcited. i'mrecharged. i'mlost. i'mreborn. i'mhappy. i'mpretending. i'mangry. i'mhurt. i'mavoiding. i'mlookingfw. i'mtinkingbac. i'mtrying. i'mmoving. i'mnot. i'mstuck. ya. i'mjuststuck.
sigh.. first too little.. now too much.. mann.. i suck at ppl skills.. i hate it.. i need my Balance..
March 12, 2003
hmm.. i'm practically working everyday now.. nope.. not complaining.. (but just that i end up working more than the full time girls now.. think the clinic also like cannot make it.. haha..) glad to have work.. cash inflow.. y not?!.. (which i dun really need 'cept to keep paying for my endless.. ongoing.. repeating.. studies..) tink i shd go for some retail therapy too since i have cash to spare.. *deep thought* so now the irritating thing is u waste $ when you have more.. anyway still gonna spent lots this wkend.. gonna have a girls' niteout/getaway.. hehe.. can't wait!! *counting fingers.. 1.. 2.. nope only abt 1.5days to sat..* wat do we do!!?.. haha.. bitch of coz!! when gals get together..
March 10, 2003
isn't computer stuffs these days supposed to be idiot-proof?! it took mi hell of a task to set up my printer.. not to mention the 1 wk delay of getting a USB cable.. (why doesn't it come with one when u OBVIOUSLY need one for it to work??) causes so much delay n trouble that i had to go elsewhere to get my stuff done.. all becoz the printer cldn't really be PLUGed(coz no usb cable) n PLAYed(coz no black cartridge).. i hate tech! but i still need it.. n still need to beg it to behave properly.. at their mercy.. sigh.. need to start work now..
barely 1 wk of constant nic n tar loading i already feel like my lungs have shrung half.. *sigh..gasp..* i need air..
March 07, 2003
yeah.. its today.. but so wat.. hehe.. anyway.. women r just funny creatures.. yup.. i agree too.. even thou I am a FEMALE n i dun understand.. so mayb guys u shdn't try so hard.. haha.. sometimes.. i hate myself for having some typical women traits.. BUT sometimes.. i hate myself for not using some of the typical women traits that i guess is in-built for us becoz we need it?? sigh.. the mystery of the universe.. the unexplainable stuff of the world.. n the incredible women at work.. haha.. this is wat makes life.. isn't it?!
"When the Children Cry - by White Lion".. dunno who.. dunno fr where.. hehe.. but i finally d/l the song.. nice.. just love it..
some fuckhead stole my bicycle yest.. or was it the day b4? n i tink mum is still angry w mi for tt.. well it was ME who last use it.. it was ME who left it out more than 24hrs.. (but it was locked ok..) it was ME who din bring it bac.. tis like e 3rd one i lost.. sigh.. mayb i shdn't use bicycle anymore.. stoopid fuckheads.. its all your fault.. or mayb i shd do some.. lure the fuckhead out thingy.. hmm.. when i'm bored enuff.. mayb i shd do just that..
March 06, 2003
now the whole world seems connected.. but by something which i cannot relate n cannot connect.. so there i m.. still alone n detached..
i dunno y i can take it that the boy-who-drown-after-mum-fall-into-the-drain as fated.. but how come i just feel damn sad for tis boy-who-died-after-being-hit-by-the-lamppost-while-playing-basketball.. life is so vulnerable.. i believe i have a life till old age.. but yet i have nothing to live for..
"gd guy likes gal.. staying by gal's side.. being her gd fren n buddy n listener all the while.. yet gal only likes e bad guy.." haha.. tis is like a big joke scenario.. but yet its happening everywhere.. in real life.. in tv.. to ppl u noe.. to ppl u dunno.. *sigh*
oh forgot the impt part.. so..
guys> do u wanna be the gd guy or bad guy??..
gals> wld u rather love the bad guy or b loved by the gd guy?..
March 05, 2003
i think my site is gonna die soon.. the server is always down.. its funny how it started.. how it accompany me.. how it became my loyal listener.. how i wanna abandon it.. but then mayb not.. coz i think i'm hooked..
n 9 mths just fly past w/o any warning.. n when i looked bac at my posts.. everything just seemed yesterday..
March 04, 2003
y do U always have to disturb me when i'm in totally bad state.. just because i'm linked to u biologically or ok u give mi $$$$ which i fucking hate!!! then i have to do every fucking thing for U?.. wan mi to SLIT wrist.. drink poison.. KILL for u??????????
- LOVE starts with a SMILE, grows with a KISS, and ends with a TEAR.
- DON'T cry over anyone who won't cry over you.
- Good FRIENDS are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.
- You can only go as far as you push.
- ACTIONS speak louder than words.
- The HARDEST thing to do is watch the one you love, love somebody else.
- DON'T let the past hold you back, you're missing the good stuff.
- LIFE'S SHORT. If you don't look around once in a while you might miss it.
- A BEST FRIEND is like a four leaf clover, HARD TO FIND and LUCKY TO HAVE.
- Some people make the world SPECIAL just by being in it.
- BEST FRIENDS are the siblings God forgot to give us.
- When it HURTS to look back, and you're SCARED to look ahead, you can look beside you and your BEST FRIEND will be there.
- Good friends are like STARS. You don't always see them, but you know they are ALWAYS THERE.
- DON'T frown. You never know who is falling in love with your smile.
- What do you do when the only person who can make you stop crying is the person who made you cry?
- Nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them.
- Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end.
- Most people walk in and out of your life, but only FRIENDS leave footprints in your heart.
it always happens.. when u finally want to get things done.. everything have to go against u.. *Deep breath.. Big SIGH*
March 01, 2003
i dunno how i get myself into doing all the shits for ppl.. i'm supposed to write a letter for my collegues using their names to request for their paycheck to be pass to mi.. WTF.. how does that look like.. no signature from them n its all written by mi to b given to mi..
anyway i think it was too stoopid to do such a thing.. so i did something stoopider.. no.. not more stoopid.. its STOOPIDER.. i just went to ask for their paycheck direct instead of writing some stoopid letter..
n some shit added!!.. they wanted CASH check.. so how does that look like now -- that i wanna run away with my collegues' paychecks.. ALL IDIOTS!!! w the ultimate idiot being mi doing all these crap.. when it has totally nothing NOTHING to do with mi!
money.. shits.. n idiots sums tis world!!!